
Creating a new data feed

  1. Create a new data feed at
  2. Make note of: the feed's PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY (e.g. copy them from the site, paste them into a local text editor)
  3. Your data is now available at "[PUBLIC_KEY]". See below for how to add new data.

Posting data

New data can be added to your feed via HTTP POST; note that you will need both the PUBLIC_KEY and PRIVATE_KEY for your feed in order to be allowed to post new data.

Every POST must include the "private_key" field, and may additionally include any of the field names that are in the database.

Allowed parameters

As of 24 FEB 2021, the allowed parameters in the database are the following:

temperature_c, humidity_rh, distance_meters, pressure_mbar, battery_volts, gps_lat, gps_lon, gps_alt, distance_meters_1, distance_meters_2, distance_meters_3, temperature_c_1, temperature_c_2, temperature_c_3, voltage_1, voltage_2, voltage_3, aux_1, aux_2, aux_3, log

And an example JSON object to send to the server sending all parameters would look like this:

{"private_key":"[PRIVATE_KEY]", "temperature_c":0, "humidity_rh":0, "distance_meters":0, "pressure_mbar":0, "battery_volts":0, "gps_lat":0, "gps_lon":0, "gps_alt":0, "distance_meters_1":0, "distance_meters_2":0, "distance_meters_3":0, "temperature_c_1":0, "temperature_c_2":0, "temperature_c_3":0, "voltage_1":0, "voltage_2":0, "voltage_3":0, "aux_1":0, "aux_2":0, "aux_3":0, "log":"LOG MESSAGE}

Example Python script

Below is an example of a Python script to post a new (random) distance value to

import requests
import random # only used to generate example data

# credentials for (for this particular sensor feed)
public_key = "[YOUR PUBLIC_KEY]"
private_key = "[YOUR PRIVATE_KEY]"

# these will stay fixed:
base_url = ""
full_url = base_url+public_key

# example data:
distance = random.randint(10,20)

# the JSON object we'll be POST-ing to 'full_url' ...
# NOTE: we must include the private_key as one of the parameters;
# and 'distance_meters' is one of several possible parameters in the postgres database.
myobj = {"private_key":private_key, "distance_meters":distance}

x =, data = myobj)
print (distance)

Analyzing data

An example Jupyter notebook for importing CSV data from and plotting it is in the 'jupyter' folder in the gitlab repo -- here